Kanye West has the Democrat Party in panic mode!

Leo Dunson   

This is vintage!   I never subscribed to this brother because I don't believe in the dichotomy that society has imposed upon us to maintain their grip on the minds and souls of "ALL the people." I post this because I fell for the click bait and was glad that I took the time to hear him out.

Many folk would shut him down right at the title. Many will not  be able to hear what he is saying...
Kanye West
But those people should listen with open hearts and try to hear what is being said through the anger, self-pity, stubbornness, cognitive dissonance, ego, escapism...of their own minds.

Let me be very clear, I cannot and will not ever embrace the dichotomy model. It is perfectly dehumanizing. We are all multidimensional beings using barely 10% of our brains (probably less with computers doing everything nowadays).

This maniacal power establishment is flirting with taking more jobs through 3D printing, robotics, outsourcing, etc. While feeding us lines of creating more jobs- people like Trump know that all of these emerging technologies are moving into go position everyday.

While the so-called Democrats dangle a government check called socialism and single-payer healthcare under our noses.  So that they can totally control how you live your life and health, forcing more vaccines and more government control to come.

At the end of the day, remember the Clintons were totally in bed with the Bushes. See how they play the people and the people sing along...

There is no world where ALL the answers and solutions lie in a 2 party system. This coun-try wasn't even established on a 2 party system. Yet, a 2 party system is dismantling every right American people "believed" themselves to have had over the past 150 years or so.

Leo Dunson

I am so glad that there are black youth like this man who are leaders. I must state that I personally do not agree with anyone who would both proudly or narrowly define themselves as either "liberal" or "conservative."  Hopefully, one day he will see the light.

I feel the power establishment has simply created a set of mental constructs by which to  confine and control "we the people", removing authentic thought or discussion which might actually lead to real change or unification.

People are not liberal or conservative, but an amalgamation of views and ideas which cause us to either take action or not take action. Most people do not see themselves in these narrow reflections. Hence, the reason most people in the U.S. do NOT vote!!!

Personally-- despite the length of this preface for which many do not have the patience to read, I hope they would just bypass it and just check the video out. But like I said before, folk are so brainwashed by the lingo of the day that they won't really hear what he is trying to say because he chose to label himself.  Something I am totally opposed to when it comes to American politics in general, but especially where black people are concerned.

In my opinion, we should not be adopting any labels of the power establishment, ever.   I certainly never will. Just for the record, I never have (and that includes the term minority). The power establishment is the "true" minority in this country and in the world at large.  I believe someone called it the 1%...

If we want to talk values and structure-- bend my ear. The only label I'll allow is "the middle way" (which is the bedrock of compromise).

My stance is "universal moderation" (and has been for the last 3 decades). Where all of sentient life is included, respected and protected: Virtual things that the power establishment dismisses or omits altogether. I just realized in this moment of thought that they have even taken the "virtue" out of "virtual reality."

Aside from his choice for a personal label, I agree with at least 75-80% of what he is saying. His voice needs to be heard! I will post any positive messages that speak to a different belief structure. I think all these varying viewpoints are important and should definitely be a part of the discussion. Blessings!


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