The Return of Cindy Kay Currier?

Back in March I began a commentary about a woman by the name of Cindy Kay Currier who seemed to be on a mission to recreate the image of the United States and the world into a true global village.  Then, she stripped YouTube of all her videos from 2013 to 2018 and seemingly vanished, bringing members of her family out for the first time and causing hoopla among her followers. 

I started this blog with "What happened to Cindy Kay Currier" because many of her subscribers thought she had mysteriously disappeared after she had taken down all of her many postings and multiple channels from 2013 -2017 at the beginning of 2018.

Her brother had issued a couple of videos and had been interviewed by a few YouTube channels.  He said some rather blunt and unkind things about his sister. 

Cindy reappeared on YouTube shortly after I released the initial post about her "disappearance."  She actually had uploaded two or three new Vlogs: "Cindy Kay Currier" and "the Heirloom Trust," and another dedicated to her personal songs.

We found out that Cindy is a music writer and this could explain her love for music and her musical uploads from primarily soul artists.  I often tried to understand why she presented the many soul songs she did while sharing her authentic political views.

At the time when I came across Cindy's work, I had been following the work of Kevin Blanch- the anti-nuclear activist.  Kevin is a survivor of leukemia which he blames on his father's military involvement and institutions like USC Berkley.  I really enjoyed Kevin's bombastic presentations keeping me up to date on the nuclear proliferations around the world.  Kevin barely ranted a sentence without using profuse profanity.

Kevin is a staunch and completely dedicated activist-artist who lives in Utah and travels the world protesting nuclear energy plants and reports religiously on their wrongdoing and latest flub-ups in the industry.  He is precious, but his mouth is vulgar as hell.  That's the beauty of Kevin, the raging battle against his cancer and the people within the nuclear industry that he believes to be part of the problem.  After the Fukushima disaster in 2011, I welcomed his voice and his passion.  He was one of the first YouTubers I embraced.

Most people don't have tolerance for his type of emphatic anger.  Most that I encounter barely can stomach a passionate indignation at all and would rather live in a vice filled world than lift one finger to either disagree, challenge or change it in anyway, fearing it will crash their pleasure cruise.  Hence, the world implodes a little more everyday.  While people dismiss everything they disagree with and swear it won't ever be them in the hot seat.  I wish them luck, especially in the future.

Enter, Cindy Kay Currier.  After watching Kevin Blanch for months, I started coming across videos by Cindy Kay Currier.  Her style was so different Kevin's.  She never ranted; was quite soft spoken almost to the point of hypnotic.  She even said that she was a practicing hypnotherapist.

I often wonder what type of potential megalomaniac goes into hypnotherapy-- just a thought.  Intention is always the great determiner.

Cindy Kay is in her late 50's, even though she presents as much younger.  This woman is prolific and began her video mission in 2013 (like so many others) after the Mayan December 21, 2012 date.  Remember, if humanity hasn't destroyed the world, then we would initiate a new "golden age." 
For me she became a link, as she spoke about many of the people and concepts I had encountered since beginning my spiritual journey back in 2011.  That's when I came to the realization that global warming by the human hand was in fact bogus and that the earth had been "destroyed" and rebirthed many many times over the last 4 billion years, or so.

Cindy had grown up in what may have been a fanatical Christian environment and seemed to have emerged beyond her philosophical upbringing leaving her family to see her as an outcast.  Which happens often times when family members think "outside the box."  Family views can be profoundly deadening.

Cindy Kay Currier

Following Cindy for the next 3 years (2013-2016),  I found her to be very clear and very interesting.  It was nice to listen to one who was able to address so many of the concepts I had recently come across during my "awakening."

She spoke abjectly against the power establishment though never with a hateful or fearful tongue.  I don't believe that I ever heard her use a single profane word.  I could tell that her followers seemed quite mentally young and seemed to hang on her every word like she was a beloved grandma.  Like I said, she seemed hypnotic at times.

The last bit of normalcy I personally got from Cindy was when she went to Washington DC alone with her camera and videotaped around "the Mall" at the Washington Monument.  The music infusion made the video jump off the screen. Her choices were outstanding.  It made me wish that she would do this type of thing more often.

Then she disappeared while in DC for a few days and when she came back to her vlog she said that she had been questioned by the FBI while at the nation's capital...

Fast's around March 2017, give or take.  Cindy is now in some room in NYC (she had been in Virginia prior to going to Washington that New Year's).  She just seemed different to me, somehow.  She was equally as cordial and soft spoken, but I noticed that her face was flushed and she seemed a bit strange to me.

With the weeks she spent in NYC she announced and explained her involvement with Swissindo and the release of so-called funds for humanity.  I found this interesting after the O.P.P.T proposal and hearing of a few years back that supposedly was a fraud. 

Cindy was well aware of this plan. O.P.P.T stated that they had "foreclosed" on the banking system and was setting up funding for humanitarian projects that groups would be able to apply for.  She was also well aware of the supposed N.E.S.A.R.A. legislation that was said to have been thwarted by the 9/11 false flag event.  You can Google both concepts.  There's a book on N.E.S.A.R.A at Amazon: 

Cindy was up on all of these ideas.  Ideas that had come by me during my "journey" between 2011 and 2013.  When I came across her then "Rise Together" YouTube channel, I felt like I was being once again guided through mysterious information that had some root in the great beyond.  It was exciting, indeed.
Swissindo led to her developing the "Heirloom Trust."  This is what she goes into in her vlog of the same name.  Her brother had suggested that she was being investigated because of her involvement with this bank of some sort.

 What I believe Cindy has worked exceptionally hard on is her "Natural Law" ambition.  She has prolifically written the policies for her "Natural Egg" and toyed with concepts like the "Eclesias of America" it's predecessor, where people in the States and anywhere in the world would take back control of our world on a local level.

She began a Herculean effort of issuing warrants for the arrests of damn near everyone in government and law enforcement.  All of this was in alignment with the original announcement by the journalist Benjamin Fulford. 

Though many foolish skep-tics want to call him and his involvements with the "White Dragon Society" in Asia, fraud-ulent-- Fulford was actually where I initially heard about the end of the "petro dollar" (which is now in its final stages, predicted at the end of 2011), the resig-nation of then Pope Benedict (which was denied at the time by the Pope and the Vatican), and the issuance of "mass arrests" worldwide which is now being discussed by various groups in the form of "indictments" of world leaders including the Clintons, Bushes and the world's top banking cartels. 
Thanks to Cindy, the narrative remained in tack--tying together the loose ends since 2012.

After returning to YouTube in March, she seems to have gone dormant again.  All we can do is hope that she is okay, not insane, not a controlled opposition for the "deep state," and not on a government hit list.  She certainly has been an interesting addition to an already highly interesting time to be alive.

I have come to find her to be a bit high handed and maybe even a bit dictatorial once she started referring to herself as "Queen of Queens," I suppose her reply to the head of Swissindo's "King of Kings" reference (reminding me of why I question those who choose to become hypnotherapists - total mind control of others). She's regulated every human behavior including sex under her "Universal Public Announcements." 

She acts as though mother earth has personally ordained her to clean up every aspect of the human thought process, as well as human behavior in general.  I wish her luck- even God couldn't do it-- and he created it, right?

These folks are great until their narcissism shows it's ugly head...and it always does. That's why I remain the ardent observer, wanting these ideas to manifest in the soil of the practical world-- looking for truly balanced and level leadership and hoping a new world that honors and respects life will emerge within the next few generations... 


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