What Ever Happened to Cindy Kay Currier?

I am new to this wonderful world of blogging and possibly years past due.  Finally, I have arrived...

Here I am attempting to put together my first post and I realize that Blogger.com doesn't give much instruction...

Hence, I am tripping through it trying and hoping that this will work somehow. 
I entered the tech game later in life and would have avoided it altogether except at some point it kind of took over the world.  So, here I am.  I'll try to figure it out as I go along.
Since this is my very first post ever, I'll just wing it and ask that if anyone sees this just remember it is my first post-EVER and I am experimenting at the same time.
Who said that the 2012 "the Mayan Calendar" was a hoax?  People just assumed since the world didn't end that the tale was just that, a tale.
Personally, I never interpreted the Mayan story in that way. My interpretation was if the world did not end due to our self destruction by Dec. 21, 2012 then a new day would dawn-- whereby humanity would enter a "new golden age."  

Other than mainstream media projections, I had never read or heard anything about the Mayan prediction.  I think I may have first encountered it in 1994 when a television event called "Ancient Prophecies" appeared on NBC.

I always loved stuff of that nature.  I grew up on Star Trek and Star Wars and most things science fiction. Since I had been in my twenties, I had an internal belief that a change was coming and that "life as we knew it" would become a thing of the past. 
No one ever told me this on a conscious level.  In fact, the Christians around me would often say that the world was in its last days and would soon be coming to an end. Still my reply would always be the same..."the world as we know it- will come to an end".

My personal philosophy had roots in the fact that we were entering a new age- "the Aquarian Age" and had been for the past 500 years or so.  These transits always have overlap periods or stations.   
An age is approximately 2000 years give or take. So, I figured that around the time of the "Renaissance" would have been the time when Aquarius would begin making its advent. 

Surely, Leonardo Di Vinci would have been a great prophet to site from that era with drawings of space craft and futuristic technologies.   

Electricity entered the stage around 250-270 years ago when Benjamin Franklin tipped us off with his lightening rod experiment. 
It is no surprise that Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus which in turn rules electricity and the future.  I personally do not believe in coincidences.  Genius is also ruled by Aquarius.  Have we not been inundated with varying degrees of genius since the "industrial age?"
I think is safe to say that Pisces, "the age of illusion" is rapidly giving way to Aquarius "the age of knowing."

There's a reason I wanted to preface this entry with my thoughts regarding "the shift" as well as regarding the Age of Aquarius...

I always believed that from the year 2000 on we would be entering a new era. 

I pondered how life seemed to change dramatically every decade or so.  Since we were entering a new century and a new millennium (as well as a new age), I felt the future changes we might experience would be no short of remarkable and no less than devastating. 

It took a great deal of change to get us from the agrarian age to the information age and I felt that we were on a major precipice of change unlike that which had been experienced for 2000 years.  I just couldn't put my finger on it.

George Bush the II was elected to POTUS and I remember feeling tragically that Americans had been judged.  I knew intuitively that it wouldn't end well - that the oil men would seek to keep us enslaved to fossil fuels as long as possible and at the time I was on board with the "global warming" charade.   

In college 20 years prior,  I had had my first intro to what goes on in American policy.  I had been exposed to the co-intel-pro scam of the '60s. 

A few years later, I was told by a former college associate that over heard some people talking in a bar, that the bankers might be planning a major economic crash in the future.  I said to him then what most ordinary working people think today- why would they do that?  Wouldn't that be harmful for all?  That was over 30 years ago.

Fast forward to 2001...9/11 happened on George W. Bush's clock and so did the intelligence freeway that flowed to anyone who was open minded enough to follow the trail.  The trail proved to be more like a rabbit hole as cliché as this might sound now.  It's the gift that keeps on giving. 

9/11 opened the door to the term "illuminati" which is now overused. I knew I wasn't the only person getting this intelligence upgrade.  It opened the doors to information regarding the bloodlines and even that George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara are actually cousins through the Pierce line.  I had discovered the former "Percys"  of the famous Parliament plot in 17th century England which was fomented by the group "the Priory of Sion" which predates the forming of the Bavarian Illuminati.

At that time back in 2001-- I was wide open like a dry sponge soaking up every detail. I had been a person who was ready to throw out every sheet head in this country (for the record, I had converted to Islam in the early 80's, my sentiment came from pure fear)--because of what the main stream media spewed daily.  For me, it was the beginning of "fake news."

At the pinnacle of my inquiry, I found that all roads had led to Bush and Cheney.  I even had a personal associate who had just been retiring from the Dept. of Defense tell me that money was flowing out of the coffers every month and no one seemed to know where the money was going.  As far as 9/11 went-- she said, look who's benefiting from it.  Of course, it was none other than the Bushes (the Carlisle Group) and the Cheney (Halliburton).

When the economy crashed back in 2008-- I wasn't surprised at all.  I thought that just like with the dotcom situation in the late '90's, a bubble had run amok and finally exploded.  We should have had an inkling after learning about the "cooking of books" by companies like Enron and the Pentagon which went missing 2.5 trillion dollars according to Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11.  I knew this rabbit hole ran deep; just hadn't been introduced to the derivative markets or the dangers it and banking deregulation imposed on our economic system.

I also found out about the H.A.A.R.P. program. If the government had a goal of controlling the weather and keeping it a secret from the public...9/11 surely helped to let that cat out of the bag.  In 2001, the Air Force's- 2025 weather as a weapon agenda website was still up and I made sure I got there.  If I knew then what I know now-- I would have downloaded the information and saved it. I had not yet become that computer savvy.

Over the past 17 years, so much knowledge has come out exposing the 9/11 agenda for the manipulation that it was, so much...

But these are stories for another day.  The initial entry on this blog " the Common Conundrum" or "The Commonality" as stated above, is really about a woman I encountered on YouTube around latter 2013 by the name of Cindy Kay Currier.

Cindy Kay Currier is a woman from Virginia who I came across in around 2013.  For people who think that the 2012 prediction was BS, I'd like to inform you that the world certainly began to change or shift for many people.  Cindy K is one of them.

I didn't get into how I found myself on another excursion acquiring intelligence from November of 2011 until today.  In the beginning, I felt that I was being guided to information like I had been in 2001.  Except now there was YouTube and a mechanism for guiding seekers to similar videos. 

I called my time, "the journey"  and I was learning by leaps and bounds that dwarfed anything that I had attained back in 2001.  But I must state that 9/11 and 2001 had been a prerequisite for everything I would come to learn later on.

I saw literally hundreds of videos between 2011 and 2013.  I was in the state of becoming more and more aware everyday. 

In the beginning, I wrote out the title of every video I watched. What was happening is that I was gaining a wide knowledge that would connect the dots in the future.  After hitting about 300 or so videos-- I lost track of writing them down and about 2 years later, I found that I could simply add them to my YouTube collection.

In addition to YouTube videos, I was coming across a number of blogs which I found to be at least interesting.  My life was rapidly changing.  I learned that there was actually a term for what I had been experiencing... It was called "the awakening" and people from ALL walks of life were currently engaged in their own version of it.

I met a guy on a shuttle bus who had been reading several hundred books.  I, myself am not much of a reader.  Since 9/11, I had been following Gary Null and later his web radio format the Progressive Radio Network.  He kept me abreast of economic, political and environmental happenings.  I was expanding like never before.

The difference between the info I came across on YouTube and Gary Null is that Null thoroughly investigates any topic or person that he presents on his program.  YouTube
videos often leave you with little or no background, so you really have to do your homework.  But you should do that anyway, especially when viewing the main stream media. People most often take what they say at face value and this is regretful.

I think that I will do this story in at least two parts as an introduction.  This way, I can at least give you background on my journey and what is now transpiring...

So I think that I will end here and pick this up with my next entry. Thank you.



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